正义联盟行动 第一季动漫剧情介绍:
正义联盟行动 第一季2016年由美国动漫公司制作完成,这部动漫作品原著作者JakeCastorenaShauntNigoghossian,动漫主角们的配音,邀请到了凯文·康瑞马克·哈米尔詹姆斯·伍兹戴德里克·巴德等著名声优,目前已更新至51,接下来还有更多正义联盟行动 第一季动漫的精彩内容,我们将以极快的速度更新,别忘了收藏我们的网址:http://www.donghuapiandaquan.com
Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman lead the DC Comics Super Heroes against their most infamous foes in adventures packed with relentless thrills, fun and action. No need to wait for the good stuff to start, each eleven-minute episode jumps in with lightning-paced action and heroics. Whether defending the Earth, facing invaders from space, or battling the bizarre forces of magic, the always-rotating team of Justice League heroes, are up to any challenge.